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Quality Caring in Nursing and Health Systems : Implications for Clinicians, Educators, and Leaders (9780826181190)

Quality Caring in Nursing and Health Systems, Third Edition delivers a detailed framework of the Quality Caring Model (c), a theory that analyzes the relationships among the self, the community served, patients and families, and the health care team. As the population requiring healthcare increases, so does the room for error and the demand for patient-centered care. The health system, focused on procedures, protocols, technology, and lower costs, continues to inflict unnecessary harms upon already vulnerable patients and their families. Nurses, as the largest group of health care professionals that spend the longest time with patients and families, are in a unique position to advance new relationship-centric approaches to health care. This text focuses on the practical application of the Quality Caring Model, featuring new examples of ways to embed caring into the health care environment. An abundance of practice analyses and reflective exercises reinforce the book's content.

Written for nursing students, clinicians, educators, and leaders, this text delves into the intricacies of relational health care. Chapters apply the model to patients and families and provide optimal learning strategies to inform quality-caring competencies. Case studies, interviews, exemplars, relevant lessons, and suggested improvements woven throughout the text push the model further than theory and into practice.

New to the Third Edition:

Updates and clarifies the Quality Caring Model to improve the safety and quality of health systems
Examines the continuing quality crisis in health care
Demonstrates the model's application in clinical, educational, and leadership practice
Includes practice analyses at the end of each chapter
Discusses how nurses can work in creative ways to implement caring in their practice as per IOM Future of Nursing Report
Provides interviews with practicing nurses reflecting the challenges and strategies needed to implement caring in our technopharmacological system

Key Features:

Examines the evolution of the Quality Caring Model, its key concepts, and the clinical, educational, and leadership implications for application
Features interviews with practicing nurses that reflect challenges and successful strategies
Includes case studies and practical insights from diverse community and academic health centers
Includes learning objectives, boxed calls to action, key summary points and reflective exercises
Offers user-friendly visual images and charts
Focuses on the challenge of creating value
Facilitates Magnet designation

Product details

  • Paperback | 326 pages
  • 152 x 229 x 19.05mm | 485.34g
  • New York, United States
  • English
  • Revised
  • 3rd Revised edition
  • 5 images
  • 0826181198
  • 9780826181190

Download Quality Caring in Nursing and Health Systems : Implications for Clinicians, Educators, and Leaders (9780826181190).pdf, available at for free.



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